• EMDRIA Consultant-in-Training
  • Consultation available to EMDR Trained Therapists
  • To utilize your basic training and transform it into effective application with clients
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Teletherapy is now available for clients who meet outpatient therapy criteria. Please call for a 20-minute free consultation.

How can Online Therapy Help Me?

Online & In-Person Therapy Available for California Residents

Online Therapy

Juanita Harb, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist


EMDR Therapy
Ego State Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

EMDRIA Certified Therapist

Teletherapy is now available for clients who meet outpatient therapy
criteria. Please call for a 20-minute free consultation.
Let me know when you've made the changes so that I can check them out.


What Lights the Spark Within You that Lights the Fire of Motivation?

The Best Way to Create the Future You Want is To Create it Step-by-Step.

What motivates you is unique to you. What rewards you is unique to you. What moves your forward, makes your day enjoyable, and fulfills you is unique to you.

Since different activities, foods, and human or animal interactions are rewarding to each of us, it is important to find out what enriches and rewards you. Making some simple changes as to how you order your day and how you reward yourself can make all the difference to having a productive day that is pleasing for you.

Do you feel a sense of satisfaction at the end or your workday, whether at home or outside the home? Are your interactions with people you enjoy and support you? Do you set aside downtime to do what you enjoy? Are you living a self-fulfilling life, or do you wander off in directions that might not get you where you are going? Do you know how to self-sooth yourself?

It is true that if you are not moving forward, then you are moving backward, for standing still is momentary and will not get you to your short-term and long-term goals.

Is there something holding you back from moving toward your goals? If you would like to explore what motivates you and how to accomplish what you desire, therapy can be an excellent resource for you. If you would like to see change in your life toward positive, rewarding goals, please call for a free consultation and set an appointment.

To schedule an individual appointment or to obtain additional information about any of these counseling services, please call me at (916) 225-6311 or send an email to [email protected].

I offer an initial 20-minute phone consultation. Please call me at (916) 225-6311 and include your name and personal phone number that you can be reached at or where I can leave a message, if you are not available, when I return your inquiry. Please call today to start moving toward a brighter tomorrow.

Contact Me




9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



