• EMDRIA Consultant-in-Training
  • Consultation available to EMDR Trained Therapists
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Teletherapy is now available for clients who meet outpatient therapy criteria. Please call for a 20-minute free consultation.

How can Online Therapy Help Me?

Online & In-Person Therapy Available for California Residents

Online Therapy

Juanita Harb, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist


EMDR Therapy
Ego State Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

EMDRIA Certified Therapist

Teletherapy is now available for clients who meet outpatient therapy
criteria. Please call for a 20-minute free consultation.
Let me know when you've made the changes so that I can check them out.

Articles of Interest

Panic Attacks
Any symptoms like these require that you seek medical attention from your medical doctor to rule out any medical conditions other than panic disorder.
EMOTION of Anger
Anger is a powerful emotion that can be expressed constructively or destructively. If you would like to learn how to uncover what’s making you angry or how to express your frustration and anger constructively, therapy can help.
Therapy Can Help
If you answer yes to any of these questions, I can help. Call for a free consult to see if we are a good fit for each other.
What motivates you is unique to you. What rewards you is unique to you. What moves your forward, makes your day enjoyable, and fulfills you is unique to you.
Grief & Prolonged Grief
People of all ages experience grief. Grief can come from the loss of a loved one that is still alive or loss through death. There are, however, many other sources of grief.
Anxiety, Phobias, and Panic Disorder
•    People with Performance Anxiety
•    Persons with Phobias and Panic Disorder...
EMDR "The Past is the Present"
Please view the video entitled Francine Shapiro Ph.D. EMDR Webinar "The Past Is Present" so you can have a better understanding of what EMDR is
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be caused by a variety of unresolved traumatic events. Intrusive symptoms can include some the following...
Anxiety comes in many forms. Anxiety can be situation, come on when giving a speech, or it can be generalized where you experience anxiety over time and most of the day. Anxiety can range from brief, episodic periods to full-blown panic attacks.
Everyone has a life story. Some stories are happy and some are very sad and challenging.

Some children have healthy support systems with one or two relatively healthy adults who raise them, and many do not. Some people lacked good parenting and some experienced poor to neglectful or abusive parenting. Many people had close family ties and many were not allowed to form close bonds and attachments, even with their siblings, due to addictive family dynamics.
Are you feeling low, depressed, unmotivated, sad, down in the dumps? You may be suffering from one of the many forms of depression that can be helped with therapy and or medication. The chart above shows some of the symptoms for depression.
Ever enter the never-ended loop of procrastination? It’s time to do that report, speech, phone call but there are other things to do first. Let’s take doing a report as an example.
Life Transitions
Have you ever had a time in your life when things became so difficult that it felt like you couldn’t take one more step forward; times when you were overwhelmed and “stuck.”Many situations, both positive and negative, can create confusion, hesitation, anxiety, and depression.
Stress comes in many forms, from interpersonal relations to tragedy. Change – any change – can bring on stress. From the birth of a baby to losing a loved one, or going through transitions such as a divorce or a move; all can produce stress. Stress can cause you to feel overwhelmed and overloaded. When you feel threatened or have too many demands put on your body, there is a flood of hormones that are released to help your body compensate, such as adrenaline and cortisol.
Have you ever wanted to be more “present,” to focus in on a moment of joy, peace, or perhaps sadness that needs to be worked through and processed. Becoming mindful and being mindful can help bring your attention into the present moment and allow you to capture the beauty of the breeze on your cheek while walking, enjoy the underlying rhythms of the songs you enjoy that make you happy, or get in touch with the patterns of thoughts that you experience.

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