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Teletherapy is now available for clients who meet outpatient therapy criteria. Please call for a 20-minute free consultation.

How can Online Therapy Help Me?

Online & In-Person Therapy Available for California Residents

Online Therapy

Juanita Harb, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist


EMDR Therapy
Ego State Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

EMDRIA Certified Therapist

Teletherapy is now available for clients who meet outpatient therapy
criteria. Please call for a 20-minute free consultation.
Let me know when you've made the changes so that I can check them out.


Stress comes in many forms, from interpersonal relations to tragedy. Change – any change – can bring on stress. From the birth of a baby to losing a loved one, or going through transitions such as a divorce or a move; all can produce stress. Stress can cause you to feel overwhelmed and overloaded. When you feel threatened or have too many demands put on your body, there is a flood of hormones that are released to help your body compensate, such as adrenaline and cortisol. Constant stress can cause excess worry, depression, and a feeling of hopelessness.

Most people experience times in their lives when they could use some help with their stress levels and learn coping skills. Some people have experienced stressful situations since childhood, leaving them with a sense of loss or dread, where they are not quite sure how to get through each day and they’re not sure why.

Stress can take many forms. For example, situational stress – the move or the failed relationship with a friend. There is also stress that is going to be around for a while – the long-term care of a loved one or the after effects of a divorce. Therapy can help you work with your responses to stressful events and improve your coping mechanisms to get through tough situations. Therapy can help you cope, change your perceptions, and help facilitate your movement through your feelings, thoughts, and perceptions toward planning goals, both short and long term that can improve your life and daily functioning.

To schedule an individual appointment or to obtain additional information about any of these counseling services, please call me at (916) 225-6311 or send an email to [email protected].

I offer an initial 20-minute phone consultation. Please call me at (916) 225-6311 and include your name and personal phone number that you can be reached at or where I can leave a message, if you are not available, when I return your inquiry. Please call today to start moving toward a brighter tomorrow.

Contact Me




9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



